Mainframe students launch video of their co-op experience at Manulife

Georgian co-op students Prashant Vaghela and Eduardo PeixeWhen you have a great experience, you might tell a few people about it.

Georgian Computer Programmer Analyst co-op students Prashant Vaghela and Eduardo Peixe had such an extraordinary experience at Manulife that they made a YouTube video and shared their mainframe developer co-op experience with the world.

“I thought the co-op would just involve us working on mainframe, but at Manulife we got to explore new continuous integration tools and much more,” said Prashant. “Eduardo and I worked in different departments, but as part of Manulife’s soft-skill leadership development approach, we collaborated on many projects.”

Among those projects was their creation, a SonarQube tool that takes a snapshot of code and evaluates it for coding errors. They were asked to present their tool to Manulife’s team of about 80 senior developers.

Eduardo echoed Prashant’s enthusiasm.

“The experience I gained, and all the support I had at Manulife — I believe I wouldn’t be able to experience doing a co-op anywhere else,” he said.

Why did they make the video? Prashant said when they learned about Manulife’s social media contest, run as part of the co-op experience and to help recruit new applicants, they couldn’t wait to film their experience and spread the word.

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