New program to create huge increase in PSW training

The new accelerated training program for personal support workers (PSWs) announced today by the provincial government will produce a huge increase in PSW training at Ontario’s colleges – including Georgian College.

“This is a major step to help fill the demand for personal support workers in our communities,” says Dr. MaryLynn West-Moyes, President and CEO, Georgian College. “PSWs are the backbone of care in Ontario – and there simply aren’t enough of them. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in a new career in this critical field.”

A woman in pink scrubs helping an older woman sitting on a couch

The Ontario government announced funding today for an accelerated program that will cover students’ tuition and other expenses. The accelerated program starts April 5 and allows participants to graduate with full credentials within six months.

The program will begin accepting applications in early March. The added enrolment is expected to result in over 8,000 PSW graduates in the province by this fall.

The accelerated program allows students to fulfil program requirements more quickly by increasing the number of study hours per week.

It will use a hybrid model that combines online learning with in-person practical experience. Students in the program will complete courses online and participate in laboratory classes available at the colleges and in care settings.

Students in the accelerated program will be available to volunteer at long-term care homes and other settings early in the program and available for paid work placements after three months.

Graduates will enter the workforce at the end of six months. The standard PSW programs at colleges take eight months to complete.

“Our graduates provide essential care to many of our most vulnerable citizens,” Dr. West-Moynes says. “We were pleased to collaborate with the province and our community health-care partners to create this new opportunity for students who will graduate job ready with high-quality, essential skills.”

How to apply

Those interested in applying to the provincially funded PSW program with intakes starting in April or May at Georgian, should check the Ontario Colleges website on or after March 8 for details.

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