Journey through the Truth and Reconciliation Trail at the Orillia Campus 

The Truth and Reconciliation Trail at Georgian’s Orillia Campus has implemented a new interactive experience that will share knowledge on topics that advance Indigenous ways of knowing and being and promote dialogue on Truth and Reconciliation.

Along the Debwewin Miinwaa Naaskodaadiwin Miikaans (Truth and Reconciliation Trail), you’ll be met by trail markers and are invited to actively participate in the teachings being shared by seeing yourself in the story and taking on the role of E-baa-ndakenjiged (journey in Ojibwe—one who goes about seeking knowledge), by listening and reflecting.

How to engage

Each trail marker’s QR code will lead you to expanded knowledge. You’ll also see a GATHERING TRUTH section where you’ll find links to resources to learn more about the topics explored. You’ll also find a Reconcili-ACTION attached to each marker – this is a meaningful act that moves reconciliation forward.

Tip: If you’re exploring virtually, paint your own orange stone to place in a garden, along a local trail, or any other special place.

Learn more about how to participate along the trail

Start your journey along the Truth and Reconciliation Trail

Debwewin miinwaa Naaskodaadiwin Miikaans | Truth and Reconciliation Trail (a live-edge wooden sign in front of a green forest at the Georgian College Orillia Campus)
Debwewin miinwaa Naaskodaadiwin Miikaans (Truth and Reconciliation Trail)

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