Leadership Conference

The Student Leadership Conferences are run by GCSA on the Barrie Campus. The purpose of the conferences is to provide students who are being recognized as emerging leaders with opportunities to develop their leadership skills.


The Student Leadership Conference is typically held in the Fall Semester. It has been a valuable event for the last 16 years and provides an opportunity to recognize those students that stand-out amongst their peers. The GCSA puts this event on with the help of faculty and staff that carefully develop and present valuable workshops to engage students and broaden mindsets beyond the classroom, In the past examples have included: Social Media for Students, Work/Life Balance, Developing the Leader in You. Students are nominated to attend by their specific program areas for leadership in the classroom or by service areas that are able to recognize the students’ efforts through on campus jobs, volunteer opportunities and overall involvement.


The Student Facilitated Leadership Conference takes place about halfway through the Winter Semester and the workshops are hosted by student facilitators. Often these facilitators volunteer their time as a result of participating in the Fall Leadership Conference. Breakout sessions (workshops) are created to enhance the student experience with the hopes of engaging students to become more involved in campus life and activities. The workshop topics range depending on the students participating but have included such topics as Embracing Cultural Diversity, Stress Busters, Health & Wellness, and Building your Bucket list. Students are nominated to attend the conference through their specific program areas or by service areas that are able to recognize students that stand out as leaders among their peers.