Field Placement - Small Engine

SENG 1004



Course Hours



Post Secondary level MENG 1000 Workshop Procedures Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level MENG 1001 Fuel Systems Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level MENG 1002 Engine Electrical Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level MENG 1003 Engine Function and Design Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level MENG 1009 Basic Electrical Principles Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level MENG 1011 Health and Safety Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level BUSI 1004 Service and Info Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level MENG 1010 Diesel and Overhead Valve Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level SENG 1000 Outdoor Power Tool Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level SENG 1001 ATV Repair Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level SENG 1002 Residential Grounds Equipment Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level SENG 1003 Snowmobile Repair Minimum Grade of 50

Students registering for credit courses for the first time must declare a program at the point of registration. Declaring a program does not necessarily mean students must complete a program, individual courses may be taken for skill improvement and upgrading.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education